Thursday, March 8, 2012

I just tried a new SVG set (from SVGAttic) and really had fun doing it. I think it is pretty, too.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I am wondering if I have SAD... The house is dark. Very dark. Night lights turn on automatically, throughout the day, if we don't shut them off. But Ira doesn't want to add skylights, saying it would look bad on the roof line.   I am trying to separate that issue from the reality that I want more sunlight in my life. So, I am thinking I will go sit on the dock during the day time. Try that and see how it works.    I am angry about Poppy, too. And Ted.  And I cannot talk to anyone about it at all.

sick of rape shows as entertainment

I have said this before, but I somehow need to make this very clear, watching pretend shows, reenacting rape scenes, is never going to be OK for me to watch as a form of entertainment, whether "educational"or not.  I can't go there. I choose not to got there. It amazes me that millions of people seem to feel safer... enjoying the view from a distance. Well, people, enjoy.  It makes me sick. Been there, Done that.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

getting old rant....

I saw a recently taken picture of me and have to admit, I am an old lady. I go back and forth in my mind about whether to try to look younger...  make-up, hair.... etc.  But then I really want to figure out if I would feel better if I did that. Could I fool my mirrored self?   Today my foot hurts so badly I took a pain killer, thinking that would give me complete relief for a few hours. That didn't happen which scares me. I have reached the point where I do not trust any medical or surgical options any more and I seem incapable of doing what it takes to lose weight. I know that would be good for me in all ways... but then I go and eat something else.... Veganism and the extra nutritional supplements I have been taking seem to help some with some of my symptoms, but I have developed new ones in response to going off the prescription drugs I quit, too. Maybe I should sign up for a month at the indoor pool.... It is expensive but if I used it, it would help with the foot pain and also the weight loss.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Starting today

I am going to give this a try.... cheaper than therapy and I can stay in my jammies.